JD's Midlife Tools For Living Practices, LLC


JD’s…you may be wondering what that stands for…Jude’s Dream.

The dream of a private practice started several years ago for me. Initially I envisioned a rather large facility that included residential and outpatient treatment centers and a place to hold training programs…and on the shores of Lake Michigan too. I dug in and did some work towards this vision I had. As I began to research and consider what all it would take to bring that dream to volition I decided to let that dream go. I really love the concept however, and can actually still see the place in my mind’s eye…yes, I even had floor plans in mind!

In the process of talking about the idea with a friend the name JD’s came up and stuck with me. I created the mission statement and vision statement that you see on our home page too back then…it still fits well with my private practice business dream!

I started working on a scaled down practice idea before I became sick with COVID in March of 2021 and long haul developed. During 2021 and 2022 I worked ever so slowly on all that goes into opening a private practice. Fatigue with long haul COVID especially limited me alongside a multitude of other symptoms.

Working on JD’s Midlife Tools For Living Practices, LLC gave me hope and something to look towards, something to put my heart into.

I started this website as Midlife Tools For Living way back in 2014 as an outlet for blogging which I began doing in the job I had at the time and found I really enjoyed. Back then I had visions for launching a future business using the website too…a business providing networking retreats for women and training programs.

It seems natural to blend some of these interests with JD’s now. The blog posts go back to the website beginning. I would still like to offer some groups and training opportunities… someday…oh, but one step at a time! This is where my life’s journey is taking me now.

By the way, I am Jude Vereyken. My day job for over 30 years has been as a clinical social worker in Holland, MI.

I love my work that has taught me so much about myself and has given me the fortune of meeting some courageous people in those many years too who have inspired me. I would not be who I am today if not for each of these years of experience and each of those folks who have entrusted me with their emotional lives. For that I am honored.

I am over (gulp) 60 and ‘dying every day’ as my deceased maternal grandmother used to say in jest. She was a character. I guess in ways so am I, perhaps more like her than I’ve realized till writing this sentence down! Ah, the gift of getting older…I can be silly and not be uncomfortable with that part of me!

My real full-time job is being a kitty mommy. I have three adorable kitties over a year old now who are very spoiled and part of my family too. And 6 in kitty heaven and buried out back who I miss dearly.

I never had children by choice as I didn’t think I would have all it takes to work full time and be a parent too and be anywhere near sane. I wanted to have my career, my profession. Being a therapist is my calling, my hearts plan.

I have been married over 40 years…’to one man’…yes another of my grandmother’s fun sayings. I cannot ever say how many years we’ve been married without adding that to the end. And gram said it in a deep guttural sounding way too…it was not easy being married to my alcoholic grandfather at all.

I thank you kindly for visiting my web site!
My best to you!

A journey of a thousand miles begins with one step...